Professional production of 3D printed jewelry

We are the makexlab group and we set up professional craftsmanship for metal ornaments based on 3D printing technology.

Companies cooperation

We are opened to cooperating with companies and research institutes on your customized demand of metal ornaments.

Designers cooperation

We are looking forward the cooperation with designers on jewelry making and sales.

Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Contact us if you’re a designer, a maker, a programmer, love cutting-edge technology, or are hoping to change lives through technology. Most importantly, if you are a dreamer, or dare to try new things and challenge yourself, you’re welcome to contact us, join us, let us progress together, and explore the unknown world



Aux Building 701,

Rili Road 757,

Yinzhou District,


China. 315000

TEL: 86-574-87450884

FAX: 86-574-87450894

EMAIL: info@makex.com